Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Translation result for cross-training in Spanish


unfavorite favorite
entrenamiento cruzado; capacitación en múltiples áreas

cross noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
cruz; cruza (en biología)

Example sentences of
cross noun

  • a necklace with a gold cross
  • The teacher marked the absent students on her list with crosses.
  • Those who could not write signed their names with a cross.

training noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
adiestramiento, entrenamiento (físico), capacitación (de trabajadores)

Example sentences of
training noun

  • The job requires special training.
  • She owes her flexibility to her early training as a dancer.
  • He received training in first aid.
  • a young doctor who's still in training
  • She's in training for the Olympics.
Remember this?
cross the line
morderse la lengua
tomar con pinzas
pasarse de la raya
mirar de nuevo
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